Snaps and Snippets

Well I had an idea about a post I was going to do on here about my recent trip to London. But everything has gone pear shaped due to me losing most of the photographs that I had taken on my phone.

Damn Gremlins.

Deep breaths.

Nostalgic thoughts of Polaroids.

So, instead, from what I have salvaged, I will just post the shots that I do have along with snippets of conversation heard along the way.

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Boudica hopping on.

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Buckingham Palace

Hi Millie, it’s Dad. I got that photograph of the Queen’s house for you. Was she there? No, she was putting her wheelie bins out around the back”. 

King Charles had a crane with a wooden leg“.

If you don’t like your personal space being invaded, do not go on the tube“.

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From St.Paul’s Cathedral

If you don’t like heights, don’t go up St.Paul’s“.

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Tower Bridge

What do you expect me to do? What do you expect me to do? What do YOU expect ME to do ?” This was a security guy to a tourist on Tower Bridge. The tourist wanted to cross to the other side, but we had to wait as a scene was being shot for a new film-The Gunman . I tried to get the helicopter in the photo that was swooping low, supposedly with police or a marksman or something in it, but guess what? Yes- the phone!!

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Monkeys in the tower.

All I could get on the tv in my room was porn channels. I was looking for the football “. I believed him.

They never knew who disposed of the two Princes in the Tower. And they never knew who Jack the Ripper was either”.

Probably not the same guy in the frame though.

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The White Tower.

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Scaffold Site Memorial

This is the memorial on the scaffold site in the Tower of London, where some private executions took place. Not many took place within the Tower  itself, and among those unfortunates who were awarded such privacy were Henry VIII’s two wives Ann Boleyn and Catherine Howard, along with Lady Jane Grey.(See-he was a sensitive soul). The site was set apart and made a memorial place under orders from Queen Victoria who was deeply moved on visiting it. Behind is the chapel that houses their remains.

I guess the cushion on the sculpture is to catch the severed heads.

Asian tourist:”In the olden days they used to eat fish and chips out of newspaper.”

American tourist:“I envy you for having all of this history.”

British tourist:”I hate it. I’ve always wanted to come here, but it’s the ugliest place I’ve ever seen. In future I will stick with the Isle of Skye“.


Wellington’s Tomb, St.Paul’s.


Nelson’s Tomb.

In St.Paul’s: “You cannot take photographs of the donkeys.”

photo (29)


10 thoughts on “Snaps and Snippets

  1. Ahhh. Thanks for this. It was like I was there again. We wore the streets thin walking to see everything in the short time we lived there. – so all those places were fresh in my mind and the conversations?! Awesome.


    • This time around I got to, as you can see, the Tower and St.Paul’s. I would have liked to have seen the tombs of the Kings and Queens, and the poets,in Westminster Abbey.Perhaps a future trip, eh? And the conversations-it is like people watching with more comic value 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Naughty! You took a photograph of the donkeys!! Actually, I’m glad you took all of the photographs. Sorry about the others! Thanks for the walk through your visit. Why do they have that edict about the donkeys??? Love this brush with history. You could write a time travel book!!!!


    • An exhibition of twenty five donkeys called the Caravan arrived at St.Paul’s from Cairo. They are all differently designed and painted by artists. Donkeys were chosen as they symbolised peace in both Christianity and Islam. We were told not to take their photographs, but not told to delete the couple already taken. Always a loophole
      And you have got me writing some books!


    • The things you casually pick up from strangers can be quite entertaining. I don’t know how familiar you are with Manchester City FC? After the last home game, I came out of the ground, hurrying to meet the guy who I was getting a lift home from. Referring to the new manager, and one of the players, as I passed through the departing crowd I heard:
      “They swapped Mancini for HIM?”
      “I’m sorry,I’m sorry, but I’ve got to say it. Dzeko is a dingbat.”


  3. Reblogged this on City Jackdaw and commented:

    from 2013: the things you hear and the things you see.
    By the way, the film The Gunman that was being filmed on Tower Bridge?
    It was all a lie! When the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who aired I saw the helicopter flying around the bridge, carrying a superimposed Tardis. “I was there!” this Whovian exclaimed. All cloak and dagger stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

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